Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Do you have an appointment???

Last Friday a high school friend and I decided to see a psychic.  Yes, a psychic.   We had to drive to Raytown to find this amazing person who can allegedly see and inform us of our future.  So that was an adventure in itself.  We had a plan, my friend Stacey and I.  It was a certain amount for 30 minutes and we could split that time, so we decided we would WINK at each other if we wanted to continue on.  In hindsight, since our lady is a psychic after all, I guess she would know if we had hatched some sort of scheme. 

So, we step op on the porch.  This is when we first realize there's something odd with Saphira.  (Yes, that's her name)  There's a sticker on the door that reads: "Door opened for appointments only."   After an extra long look at each other, Stacey and I rang the bell.  I don't think either of us were ready for what opened the door. 

This is where, if this were a TV show, we would cut to a commercial break.  So, think about your favorite product for 30 seconds......................

When the door opened, I swear Mrs. Claus was behind the door. I swear to freaking God.  Mrs. Claus.  And she was the exact same size one would expect Mrs. Claus to be.   So, after walking in the door she led us thru a room with a stuffed, white teddy bear on the couch, to another room.  I honestly wouldn't have been surprised to see an elf or two running around.

This room had a fireplace at one end that at first glance appeared to be lit, but Stacey claims it was just candles and stuff all lit up.  Centered and I mean CENTERED in the room was a rocking chair with another chair next to it.  The first chair was for us to sit in.  And it had to be kept 100% centered.  The other chair was for our "Guides" to sit in.   Stacey moved the chair about 3 millimeters, and the psychic lady about had a coronary.

She told us that when she was doing the reading, she would be in a "semi-trance" state, and we shouldn't look directly at her face or she would "blank out".  What?  And the one of us who is sitting to the back of the room, we can't look at either one of them.   Let me tell you how stupid I felt sitting in the back of the room NOT looking at Saphira.   I really wanted Saphira to get all freaky and weird in this "trance" state but she didn't.  She sat in her purple sweatsuit and white flip flops in front of the fireplace on several pillows and told us our futures.

Stacey went first.  Here's what we learned from her session...
She is going to have a total of 3 kids.
She needs B vitamins and brewer's yeast, the psychic lady could "taste" in her mouth. Stacey's health is "not vibrant" right now.
Stacey is also going to have a new hairdo. 

My psychic revelations were:
I will be in a relationship by December 15.  He will be "Handsome, well off, blonde, tall..."
My "Guides" were fighting over the fact that I don't listen to them.
The one person I wanted to talk to - my aunt Elaine - didn't want to talk to me.
I have a broken heart.  (duh)

All this and she got a tip.  That was only because she wouldn't give us change and neither one of us wanted to write her a check.  We didn't want her crazy ass to come a knocking at our doors.  However, we wouldn't have opened the door unless she had an appointment. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hmmmm.... I wonder what holiday is next?

I got to enjoy one of my favorite Labor Day traditions, Santa-Cali-Gon Days.   Or as we call it - Sally-get-it-on.    I love it.  It has so many of the things I love; food on sticks, deep friend ANYTHING, crafts, crazy people watching, crafts and oh yeah, crafts. However.  There's one craft phenomenon I just don't get.  Maybe because it's an old lady thing and I have a few years to go on that one.  Or maybe it's because I do not live in a rural comunity.  Either way, it's horrible and has got to stop.  Calendar sweatshirts. 

That's where you put any holiday decoration on your shirt, sweatshirt, sweater, totebag ... anything.  It's got to be the single most tacky thing, ever.  Cuz, you know what? I'm not walking around wondering if there's a holiday coming up, just waiting to run into someone with a pumpkin on their chest.  No one needs to see you in your sweatshirt with the stupid wreath.  Everyone can just assume you are in fact a great grandma, we don't need it emblazened on your very unsupported boobs.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this is dumb.  But there were 3.  Yes, 3 different booths that I saw with several old ladies gathered around to choose their favorite holiday to support.  I saw one couple trying desperately to decide between a snowman and reindeer.  A difficult choice indeed.    Put them both down... step away from the applique. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Common? I think not.

Common sense. It really needs to be renamed because it's certainly NOT common.  If it was then most people in this world wouldn't bug the crap out of me.  I don't ask for much in this world.  I want my soda to be fizzy,  my coffee to be hot and for people to use their heads.  You know, it's the thing that Tom Hanks in "A League of Their Own" told us is the "lump three feet above our ass." 

So, in case you're wondering, here are several things everyone should know.  It should be, um, common.

 Elevator Etiquette.  This one should be simple.  Wait until people get off the elevator and THEN get on.  This will make the entrance and exit go so much more smoothly.  I don't care how old you are... 4 or 104, wait!    And guess what?  When you and your entire Marco-Polo playing family get out of the pool... dry off BEFORE getting into the elevator.  No one wants to ride up with 10 people dripping on ya.

 Since we're talking about traveling - let's take a spin to the luggage carousel.  I have two issues here.  Do we all have to huddle around the spinning wheel of fortune to see if we're the lucky few who have actually arrived on vacation with all 5 pieces of luggage.  The answer is NO.  Why don't cha hang out just a few steps back and give everyone a shot at getting their bags the FIRST time around.    And, if you have infact packed everything you own, why don't you assign one person to grab the bags and pass them back to someone who is waiting WAAAAAY back with the rest of the bags.  This is not the time to discuss how cousin Eddie ruined another family vaca.

To you movers and shakers out there... keep moving and shaking.  When you leave a store, a building or just about anything with an entrance or exit... keep it movin.  Don't freakin' STOP and gawk as you leave your favorite store in the mall.  Or the airport walking out to catch a cab.  Or just STOP as you're walking along the sidewalk.  Some of us actually know where we are going. 

And I think we can all agree on this one and we need to band together to make it stop.  When you're driving down the highway and it says "Right lane ends", guess what they're not kidding.  It's gonna end.  END.  As in you can't drive on it anymore.   So just so you know - where ever you're going is just as important as everyone else.  Unless it's an emergency and therefore you should be in an ambulance.   And let's all agree to NOT let the A-hole merge when they try to either drive on the shoulder or in the about to be closed lane until they are forced over.  Zoom Zoom.

So until next time... roll the windows down and sing REALLY loud to the radio.  I'm sure it drives some people crazy... but not me!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pac Man Fever

Ok so not really Pac Man Fever - try Super Mario Brothers Fever.  And Jadyn has it.  Big time.  And I don't know how she caught this disease.  Those damn other kids in her class.  Or maybe it's her growing up.  Either way - I don't like it.  Not one bit.

I really didn't think she had it that bad.  That was until I said "J, dinner's ready"  to which she replied ... "But I just got to this level..."  What??!!  WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!!! 

But still, she's so cute even with The Fever.  Sitting on the floor, on her knees, in front of the tv, gripping the controller so hard that I'm sure if you touched it, it would be sweaty.   Other times she's standing up and everytime Mario jumps - so does she. 

Super Mario Brothers.  I remember a certain little italian plumber, but he wasn't so supper in the nintendo era.  I also remember Frogger, Pitfall, Space Invaiders, Night Driver with the special controller.  Those were the days.  The most violent game back in the day was Duck Hunt.  Oh and those primative graphics.  We thought they were so great!

I guess this is just one more thing I have to get used to.  Fine.  But at least for a while, I can still take her. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jailbird Jimmy

So the story goes something like this.  Girl goes on blind date with boy.  Boy is a tool.  Girl's friends are there.  Girl's friend tells different boy to come talk to girl.  Fast forward a few weeks.  Girl gets stood up because new boy is in the pokey.  The End. 

Just kidding.  Well ... not really. There's a much better story than that. 

So - I'm on a blind date with a guy who I can't for the life of me remember his name.  All I do know is we called his friend Buddy Holly because he had "those" glasses.  There was another guy he was with who was pretty cute.  That's important to remember.

We're at the Argosy Casino.  Sounds like an odd place for a date, sure, but I think we were planning a night there anyway and it just seemed to work out.  So we get there and the guy I am supposed to meet is a D-O-R-K!  And I couldn't be less interested.  "Oh well," I thought, "I'll play a little craps."  Remember I did think his friend was cute and I told my friends that.  Erika proceeded to tell everyone else that I thought he was cute and the other guy was a dork.  In earshot of the original date.  Whoops.  Big Whoops.  Because he leaned over the bar and said "Thanks for the information."  HA!  Oh well. 

To make a LOOOONG story a bit shorter we'll fast forward HOURS when I'm up $600 and it's about 2am.  Cass takes my money home with her so I don't put it back on the table and a guy who Erika thought would be "Perfect for me" eventually came up and started playing craps too.  This is after everyone else had left and I was just playing out the few dollars I had in my pocket.  We started talking - Jimmy and I.  He was nice enough and I quickly realized craps was not his game.  But Blackjack was.  So I joined him at the blackjack table where he proceeded to give me money to play with.  I think it was around $1000.  I remember thinking "I could take the money and run and pay rent!"  After we played for a couple hours and everyone seemed to know him.  I thought either he's a loser or a high roller.  I hoped for the last one.  He walked me to my car and we exchanged numbers.  We did go out to dinner a couple nights later.  I came to realize he was rather loaded.  NICE.  He offered his personal shopper Julie to me at Nordys.  I now wish I would have taken him up on his offer.  I didn't want him to think I just liked him for his money no matter how true that statement was. 

Fast forward to several weeks later - and I had gotten an odd vibe and wasn't really playing along.  Then I decided I would actually give him a shot so we made plans to go to dinner on Friday night.  Friday comes and goes - no word.  I'm calling and leaving super nice messages (yeah) and requesting a return call please.  Nothing.  Nada.  So I as a friend who may or may not have access to information about an individual's status with the law.  Guess what?  He was a fugitive and was extradited to VEGAS.  Apparently was picked up on a warrant sometime Thursday and therefore couldn't make our date.  Hence his name - Jailbird Jimmy.  His name before this was Richy Rich.  You can see how we had to change it. 

So that boys and girls is the story of how our fair maiden escaped a what was sure to be an ultimately unfortunate situation.  But I'm still pissed about Nordstroms. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How many frogs do you have to kiss?

That's a plaque my "work husband" gave me a few years back.  I think it was right as I was newly single and went on a couple, shall we say "less than successful" dates.

If you would have told me that just more than 4 years later here I would sit - still single - I would have said you were crazy.  Not that I thought I was "all that and a bag of chips" mind you.  (Well maybe a little) But it's like how it always is.   The grass is ALWAYS greener.  And isn't it always the case - when you are with someone everytime you turn around the hottest guy in the room is making googly eyes at you.  So you rid yourself of the dead weight and low and behold ... crickets. 

So I thought I'd enlighten some of you to the hell that is Online Dating.  Hell.  Total Hell. 
So far I've met some real winners. Let me paint the picture.  Buffalo Wild Wings.  White Nautica sweater circa 1989.  Gold chain like he's straight outa Jersey Shore.  And I doubt there's a drop of Drakkar left in the bottle.  Oh - and don't forget about the 2 inch gap between his teeth.  He waved me over to the table, welcomed me with a hug and throughout the evening shared these endearing facts about himself. (and I'm NOT kidding)  Trust me - the photos on his profile did not acurately represent him. 

He missed the birth of one of his children due do being high, he almost lost all the fingers on one of his hands because of the above event, he's such a douchebag (my word not his) that his baby mama wouldn't give one of his sons his last name, oh and that babymama - she was 15 at the time.  The BEST thing he told me is that he once robbed a grave.  Robbed. A. Grave.  He didn't dig one up he and his friends cracked open a mausoleum.  Of course I had to tell him what it was called.  The entire time I have my face in my hands thinking... I've GOT to remember this.  I wonder if he'd notice if I actually took notes.

At one part of the "date" he went outside to smoke and he was gone FOREVER.  I'm sure calling all his friends telling them that he's met "The One."   I called the waitress over and told her to bring me one more beer (which I SLAMMED) and when he comes back to offer us our check.

Fastforward to him walking me to my car and he hugged me and told me he would call me tomorrow.  It was hard to supress my joy.  And sure as shit, 8am I get a text "It was great to meet you!  I hope we can get together again soon!"  Um.  Not only no - but HELL NO!

Trust me - sadly so - there are more stories where this came from.  Stay tuned. 

Here's a tease - his name is Jailbird Jimmy.

:) T

Thursday, February 17, 2011

So what IS a Passion Party?

 I get that question all the time.
To best answer this question I want to start with what it’s NOT.  It’s not a Tupperware party.  It’s not a jewelry party.  It’s not serious.   It’s not the stuffy, sit around and look at products, don’t you dare laugh kinda party.   And don’t worry – it’s a presentation not a demonstration.  
It IS a fun time.  After all it’s a Passion PARTY!  It’s educational, fun and tastefully done.  And I mean every word of that last sentence. 
First off – here’s how one of MY parties works.
I tell my hostesses to tell their guests 6:30 and I’ll show up at 7.  I need exactly 5 seconds of set up time.  All I need to do is unzip my bag of goodies.  J The reason I like to arrive a little after the guests is it allows time for everyone to grab a plate and a cocktail AND it lets those who are “fashionably late” arrive.  I also – don’t start over when people arrive nor do I do another party just for those who are tardy. 
Now – let’s get to the PARTY!!!!!  
I go from mild to wild.  I start with the lotions and potions.  We have a complete line of bath and body products in 3 scents.  Plumeria, Green Tea and the new Pomegranate Ginger scent.  (Which is my favorite!)  We have anything from lotions to body oil spray to body scrubs to toning body butter.    Then there’s the edibles.
Next we step out on the wild side!  This starts with lube and cleanser.  Both are extremely important in a healthy sex life.  Then I bring out the TOYS!  I show a variety of toys.  Every single one is something I think is AWESOME.  There are solo toys, g-spot toys AND couple’s toys. 
That’s pretty much it.  I do talk about the business of Passion Parties.  I talk about how it’s changed my life and that’s not just talk.  It’s the truth.  I talk about how now there’s not month left at the end of my money.   I talk about how if I need something, my car needs new tires, I need new shoes , anything … I just book another party.  I am in control of my finances – not the other way around.
Here’s some FAQ…
SO – what do I get for hosting a Passion Party?
                FREE STUFF!  Isn’t that awesome?  You get 10% of total retail sales as a shopping spree!  You get to pick anything you want and apply that credit!  Many of my hostesses get at least $50 in free products!    Think about it – just by simply inviting  a few friends over and setting out some chips and salsa YOU get the items that you want for FREE!  What store in the mall gives you free stuff just by bringing your friends?    Plus, your friends will THANK YOU! 
Speaking of friends – when they book a party you get more free gifts!  That’s part of the hostess rewards program that’s filled with hostess only products that you can’t buy – you can only earn.   You also get free gifts for keeping your original date – for having 2 party bookings – for having 4 party bookings – for having $200 in outside orders …. It’s awesome!  And here’s what I do – if your party is $1000 in retail sales and 2 of your friends decide THEY want to have a party – you get it ALL for FREE!  That’s more than $150 in extra goodies!  Plus you’ll get at least another $100 in shopping credit!   Ready to book? J
What makes a good party? 
                You and your friends.  That’s really all you need.  Well, that and maybe some snacks and drinks.  Alcohol is NOT necessary but it is the norm.  But you MUST be 18 to attend.  And that is non-negotiable.  It’s not my decision – it’s the law. And no one wants to go to jail over a sex toy. LOL
You want to invite everyone and anyone.  Don’t judge.  You want as many buying guests at your party as you can get.  Have your friends invite friends and have them invite friends.   Remember you get to apply 10% of total retail sales to YOUR ORDER!!
What if I decide I want to do Passion Parties?
That’s a very smart decision.  Why spend the money when you can make the money.  Plus just a couple perks – your purchases are 40% off – your purchases are tax deductable – you get to have fun and make money.
We can make your party your launch party.  That means you get the profit of the party.  And if we discuss it ahead of time – sometimes we can apply the profit to the cost of your kit.  If this is even remotely in your head – let’s talk about it.   Also at your party – you get the parties booked!

Please let me know if you have any questions about hosting a party OR joining my team!!!

Tiffany Romeo

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Name that tune!!

Music.  I think Madonna said it best; "Music.  Makes the people.  Come together."  I couldn't agree with you more. 

Music has been an important part of my life since I can remember.  When I was little, I thought - scratch that - I knew I was destined to be in the movie "Annie."  And one day in the second grade my mom and I spent an entire day at The Midland auditioning for the movie.  Obviously, I'm not a famous movie star currently so you can figure out yourself how that went.  There was a picture of me during my audition in the KC Star.

Fast forward to 6th grade when I sang The Rose in the talent show and Corey Taylor played the piano.  Good Times.  Good Times.

I can tell stories like that for hours.  But since I don't want to bore you.... :) I'm sure you can think of songs that if they come on the radio, they quickly take you back to that time in your life!    Two of those are "Two Our of Three Ain't Bad" and "Cheeseburger in Paradise."  Both songs take me back to when I was at Pittsburg State and drinking at The Library (that's a bar) and on Spring Break in Panama City.  Now THESE were good times!

Back to that little line from the Material Girl...  I met my Best Friend Becca because of music.  The BEST MUSIC EVER!  Mr Kenny Chesney.  Actually we started being friends because of a Keith Urban concert but KC has bound us together foreva!  No matter what's going on in your life... a little "Beer in Mexico" always makes it better!   Now - we travel to see Mr Chesney and do our best to see him at least twice a year.  Even last year when he didn't do a tour supporting an album, just random dates... we road tripped to Louisville.  A BLAST! 

So after all this I'm sure you're asking yourself... "Tiffany, why are you blogging about this?"  Well, our tell you.  I encourage each one of you to take a listen to the music of your past and pay attention to the music of right now and be aware of what music you're manifesting for your future! 

"Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul!"

xoxo,  Tiffany

Monday, February 7, 2011

Let's make a deal!

Why pay retail?  That's a question a store I can't for the life of me remember what it's called used to ask in it's commercials.  And it's a question I've been asking myself lately. 

Think about it.  You get a new pair of shoes.  (Of course they are fantastic...) You got them at maybe an online "shoe of the month club" like - Shoedazzle.  http://www.shoedazzle.com/invite/7vdkffrpd
When someone comments - comfirming they are indeed fantastic - your first instinct is to say "Shoedazzle!  $39!"  You see anytime someone likes something you've picked out - AND it was on sale - you always share the deal you got!  It's automatic.  Most of us couldn't keep from doing it if you tried. 

Then there are coupons.  They're everywhere.  Gone are the days of waiting for the Sunday paper and cutting out each individual .25 off little rectangle.  Now there are plenty of online places you can get the coupons for exactly what you need.    There's coupons.com, Couponsuzy.com, couponmom.com, smartsource.com.  There are TONS of them!  Just click, print and head to the Price Chopper.  BTW - Hen House will double coupons but I've found their prices are higher to start with.

The latest thing is online discount sites.  My personal favorite is Groupon. http://www.groupon.com/r/uu341416
It's things like Social Suppers, limo rides, gym memberships and lots and lots of restaurant discounts!  Everything is usually at least 50% off.  Sometimes it's like 70% off!  There's a different deal each day and you can pick your city.  So if you're planning a vaca, sign up for the Groupon in that city!  It's AWESOME!
There's also Living Social and Spreesy.  

That's dicounts.  What about getting an email once a day with great discounted items?  No More Rack!  Check out this link... http://www.nomorerack.com/?cr=304831.  Everything from $5 bra to $40 watch.  AWESOME! 

Choose one of these - choose all of these.  What ever you do ... don't ever spend more than you can afford and maybe this can help you afford more!!! 

And PLEASE!  If you have a coupon or discount site you like.. Share!!!

xoxo, Tif

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A rose by any other name...

Growing up we all have nicknames. Some are sarcastic.  Like calling a large fella - "Tiny."  Some are more obvious like calling someone who wears glasses - "Specs."   Since my name is Tiffany, people jump directly to Tiff.  Where that might be gramatically correct - it's not very original.  My favorites are very similar to each other.  T-Rowe and T-Rom.  Or there's the ever popular - Romeo.

But it's not that kind of nickname I'm talking about here.  No.  Not at all.  I wanna talk about nicknames we give the opposite sex.   Sure when we're happily in a relationship the names are things like snookums, baby, pooh bear or sugar.  Most are only used in the privacy of the bedroom.  However.  One of my besties is from the south and called her boyfriend (at the time, now hubby) "Sugar".  All the time.  In every situation.  Sooooo, of course we all picked up on it and he became known to us all as Sugar.  It still makes me smile just thinking of the New Years Eve where that became his official name.

But still, that's not quite what this is about either.  It's more like the names we give the boys we are either not with any more or never really were to begin with.  (But boy did we want to.)

My friends and I have become quite skilled at this.  People can also tell how we feel about a certain person by whether he has a "name" yet.     Now I will say this.  There are a few.  A rare few. That are called by their actual legal name.    But others get names like, (and these were not all mine): The Evil Doofenshmirtz - my fave, the same guy also had Super Tool, Jailbird Jimmy, Pizza Joe,  Grey Goose, The Grave Robber,  EKG, Skippy, Hot but Annoying... HBA, Cowboy, JD, High Five, Blossom Bliss, Whitey Tighties and so many more.  It's like we have our own messed up version of the Village People.    Sometimes it's just guys we meet and not ever date that get names too - The Un-funny commedian.  This one was a random guy I met YEARS ago and it's funny because it's true. 

Why do we do this you might ask?  The reason is two fold.  One, it helps us to talk about the guys in code.  And, two, this is the only way we can remember who they are. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

And I said what about...

Blogfest at Tiffany's!  That's right!  Welcome to my crazy life and what's sure to be a crazy blog!

I often think ... "Where are the cameras?"  when I take a step and realize all the crazy and fun things that happen to me and around me.  I love every bit and wouldn't change a thing! 

If you're reading this you're gonna be finding out a ton about me.  If you like what you read.  Awesome!  Welcome.  If you don't.  Then for the love of god... stop reading.  No one is forcing you to!  :)

If at anytime you would like to hear my opinion on any topic... send me an email at tiffanyromeo@gmail.com
I'd be happy to give you a couple paragraphs. 

So - on to my first blog...

I asked on Facebook if anyone had a topic they'd like me to discuss.  Drunken Facebooking.  That was what was thrown into the ring.    So here ya go.


I'll admit it.  I've done it.  We all have.  And if you're a FB friend of mine, you already know this.  And probably had to deal with it. 

But since social networking and texting, we can follow every second of each other's lives.  Good or bad.  Drunk or Sober.  And if thousands of thousands of people didn't do it, sites like http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/ and http://www.textsmadepublic.com/ wouldn't be so popular. 

I'd be lying if I said I didn't wake up sometimes and take a deep breath and look at my outgoing texts on my phone.  Some mornings I'd cringe and some I'd relax.  Sometime's I'd double cringe because of the poor spelling.  HA!  If you just can't keep yourself from texting that certain someone "Hey" at 2am.  Or complaining that he didn't text you back.... there's good news!  Plenty of people are apparently feeling our pain, so companies have created apps like http://www.dontdial.com/.   I wish there was an app where i could identify the people I'm most likey to drunk text.  And then, block them during the "Drinking time!"