Monday, May 2, 2011

Pac Man Fever

Ok so not really Pac Man Fever - try Super Mario Brothers Fever.  And Jadyn has it.  Big time.  And I don't know how she caught this disease.  Those damn other kids in her class.  Or maybe it's her growing up.  Either way - I don't like it.  Not one bit.

I really didn't think she had it that bad.  That was until I said "J, dinner's ready"  to which she replied ... "But I just got to this level..."  What??!!  WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!!! 

But still, she's so cute even with The Fever.  Sitting on the floor, on her knees, in front of the tv, gripping the controller so hard that I'm sure if you touched it, it would be sweaty.   Other times she's standing up and everytime Mario jumps - so does she. 

Super Mario Brothers.  I remember a certain little italian plumber, but he wasn't so supper in the nintendo era.  I also remember Frogger, Pitfall, Space Invaiders, Night Driver with the special controller.  Those were the days.  The most violent game back in the day was Duck Hunt.  Oh and those primative graphics.  We thought they were so great!

I guess this is just one more thing I have to get used to.  Fine.  But at least for a while, I can still take her. 

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