Thursday, February 17, 2011

So what IS a Passion Party?

 I get that question all the time.
To best answer this question I want to start with what it’s NOT.  It’s not a Tupperware party.  It’s not a jewelry party.  It’s not serious.   It’s not the stuffy, sit around and look at products, don’t you dare laugh kinda party.   And don’t worry – it’s a presentation not a demonstration.  
It IS a fun time.  After all it’s a Passion PARTY!  It’s educational, fun and tastefully done.  And I mean every word of that last sentence. 
First off – here’s how one of MY parties works.
I tell my hostesses to tell their guests 6:30 and I’ll show up at 7.  I need exactly 5 seconds of set up time.  All I need to do is unzip my bag of goodies.  J The reason I like to arrive a little after the guests is it allows time for everyone to grab a plate and a cocktail AND it lets those who are “fashionably late” arrive.  I also – don’t start over when people arrive nor do I do another party just for those who are tardy. 
Now – let’s get to the PARTY!!!!!  
I go from mild to wild.  I start with the lotions and potions.  We have a complete line of bath and body products in 3 scents.  Plumeria, Green Tea and the new Pomegranate Ginger scent.  (Which is my favorite!)  We have anything from lotions to body oil spray to body scrubs to toning body butter.    Then there’s the edibles.
Next we step out on the wild side!  This starts with lube and cleanser.  Both are extremely important in a healthy sex life.  Then I bring out the TOYS!  I show a variety of toys.  Every single one is something I think is AWESOME.  There are solo toys, g-spot toys AND couple’s toys. 
That’s pretty much it.  I do talk about the business of Passion Parties.  I talk about how it’s changed my life and that’s not just talk.  It’s the truth.  I talk about how now there’s not month left at the end of my money.   I talk about how if I need something, my car needs new tires, I need new shoes , anything … I just book another party.  I am in control of my finances – not the other way around.
Here’s some FAQ…
SO – what do I get for hosting a Passion Party?
                FREE STUFF!  Isn’t that awesome?  You get 10% of total retail sales as a shopping spree!  You get to pick anything you want and apply that credit!  Many of my hostesses get at least $50 in free products!    Think about it – just by simply inviting  a few friends over and setting out some chips and salsa YOU get the items that you want for FREE!  What store in the mall gives you free stuff just by bringing your friends?    Plus, your friends will THANK YOU! 
Speaking of friends – when they book a party you get more free gifts!  That’s part of the hostess rewards program that’s filled with hostess only products that you can’t buy – you can only earn.   You also get free gifts for keeping your original date – for having 2 party bookings – for having 4 party bookings – for having $200 in outside orders …. It’s awesome!  And here’s what I do – if your party is $1000 in retail sales and 2 of your friends decide THEY want to have a party – you get it ALL for FREE!  That’s more than $150 in extra goodies!  Plus you’ll get at least another $100 in shopping credit!   Ready to book? J
What makes a good party? 
                You and your friends.  That’s really all you need.  Well, that and maybe some snacks and drinks.  Alcohol is NOT necessary but it is the norm.  But you MUST be 18 to attend.  And that is non-negotiable.  It’s not my decision – it’s the law. And no one wants to go to jail over a sex toy. LOL
You want to invite everyone and anyone.  Don’t judge.  You want as many buying guests at your party as you can get.  Have your friends invite friends and have them invite friends.   Remember you get to apply 10% of total retail sales to YOUR ORDER!!
What if I decide I want to do Passion Parties?
That’s a very smart decision.  Why spend the money when you can make the money.  Plus just a couple perks – your purchases are 40% off – your purchases are tax deductable – you get to have fun and make money.
We can make your party your launch party.  That means you get the profit of the party.  And if we discuss it ahead of time – sometimes we can apply the profit to the cost of your kit.  If this is even remotely in your head – let’s talk about it.   Also at your party – you get the parties booked!

Please let me know if you have any questions about hosting a party OR joining my team!!!

Tiffany Romeo

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