Thursday, January 20, 2011

A rose by any other name...

Growing up we all have nicknames. Some are sarcastic.  Like calling a large fella - "Tiny."  Some are more obvious like calling someone who wears glasses - "Specs."   Since my name is Tiffany, people jump directly to Tiff.  Where that might be gramatically correct - it's not very original.  My favorites are very similar to each other.  T-Rowe and T-Rom.  Or there's the ever popular - Romeo.

But it's not that kind of nickname I'm talking about here.  No.  Not at all.  I wanna talk about nicknames we give the opposite sex.   Sure when we're happily in a relationship the names are things like snookums, baby, pooh bear or sugar.  Most are only used in the privacy of the bedroom.  However.  One of my besties is from the south and called her boyfriend (at the time, now hubby) "Sugar".  All the time.  In every situation.  Sooooo, of course we all picked up on it and he became known to us all as Sugar.  It still makes me smile just thinking of the New Years Eve where that became his official name.

But still, that's not quite what this is about either.  It's more like the names we give the boys we are either not with any more or never really were to begin with.  (But boy did we want to.)

My friends and I have become quite skilled at this.  People can also tell how we feel about a certain person by whether he has a "name" yet.     Now I will say this.  There are a few.  A rare few. That are called by their actual legal name.    But others get names like, (and these were not all mine): The Evil Doofenshmirtz - my fave, the same guy also had Super Tool, Jailbird Jimmy, Pizza Joe,  Grey Goose, The Grave Robber,  EKG, Skippy, Hot but Annoying... HBA, Cowboy, JD, High Five, Blossom Bliss, Whitey Tighties and so many more.  It's like we have our own messed up version of the Village People.    Sometimes it's just guys we meet and not ever date that get names too - The Un-funny commedian.  This one was a random guy I met YEARS ago and it's funny because it's true. 

Why do we do this you might ask?  The reason is two fold.  One, it helps us to talk about the guys in code.  And, two, this is the only way we can remember who they are. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

And I said what about...

Blogfest at Tiffany's!  That's right!  Welcome to my crazy life and what's sure to be a crazy blog!

I often think ... "Where are the cameras?"  when I take a step and realize all the crazy and fun things that happen to me and around me.  I love every bit and wouldn't change a thing! 

If you're reading this you're gonna be finding out a ton about me.  If you like what you read.  Awesome!  Welcome.  If you don't.  Then for the love of god... stop reading.  No one is forcing you to!  :)

If at anytime you would like to hear my opinion on any topic... send me an email at
I'd be happy to give you a couple paragraphs. 

So - on to my first blog...

I asked on Facebook if anyone had a topic they'd like me to discuss.  Drunken Facebooking.  That was what was thrown into the ring.    So here ya go.


I'll admit it.  I've done it.  We all have.  And if you're a FB friend of mine, you already know this.  And probably had to deal with it. 

But since social networking and texting, we can follow every second of each other's lives.  Good or bad.  Drunk or Sober.  And if thousands of thousands of people didn't do it, sites like and wouldn't be so popular. 

I'd be lying if I said I didn't wake up sometimes and take a deep breath and look at my outgoing texts on my phone.  Some mornings I'd cringe and some I'd relax.  Sometime's I'd double cringe because of the poor spelling.  HA!  If you just can't keep yourself from texting that certain someone "Hey" at 2am.  Or complaining that he didn't text you back.... there's good news!  Plenty of people are apparently feeling our pain, so companies have created apps like   I wish there was an app where i could identify the people I'm most likey to drunk text.  And then, block them during the "Drinking time!"