Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Common? I think not.

Common sense. It really needs to be renamed because it's certainly NOT common.  If it was then most people in this world wouldn't bug the crap out of me.  I don't ask for much in this world.  I want my soda to be fizzy,  my coffee to be hot and for people to use their heads.  You know, it's the thing that Tom Hanks in "A League of Their Own" told us is the "lump three feet above our ass." 

So, in case you're wondering, here are several things everyone should know.  It should be, um, common.

 Elevator Etiquette.  This one should be simple.  Wait until people get off the elevator and THEN get on.  This will make the entrance and exit go so much more smoothly.  I don't care how old you are... 4 or 104, wait!    And guess what?  When you and your entire Marco-Polo playing family get out of the pool... dry off BEFORE getting into the elevator.  No one wants to ride up with 10 people dripping on ya.

 Since we're talking about traveling - let's take a spin to the luggage carousel.  I have two issues here.  Do we all have to huddle around the spinning wheel of fortune to see if we're the lucky few who have actually arrived on vacation with all 5 pieces of luggage.  The answer is NO.  Why don't cha hang out just a few steps back and give everyone a shot at getting their bags the FIRST time around.    And, if you have infact packed everything you own, why don't you assign one person to grab the bags and pass them back to someone who is waiting WAAAAAY back with the rest of the bags.  This is not the time to discuss how cousin Eddie ruined another family vaca.

To you movers and shakers out there... keep moving and shaking.  When you leave a store, a building or just about anything with an entrance or exit... keep it movin.  Don't freakin' STOP and gawk as you leave your favorite store in the mall.  Or the airport walking out to catch a cab.  Or just STOP as you're walking along the sidewalk.  Some of us actually know where we are going. 

And I think we can all agree on this one and we need to band together to make it stop.  When you're driving down the highway and it says "Right lane ends", guess what they're not kidding.  It's gonna end.  END.  As in you can't drive on it anymore.   So just so you know - where ever you're going is just as important as everyone else.  Unless it's an emergency and therefore you should be in an ambulance.   And let's all agree to NOT let the A-hole merge when they try to either drive on the shoulder or in the about to be closed lane until they are forced over.  Zoom Zoom.

So until next time... roll the windows down and sing REALLY loud to the radio.  I'm sure it drives some people crazy... but not me!